A Comparison: Islam = Hindu? (1)
Based on Islamic context for this day, it has a similarity with the others believes such as Christian. The religion that similar with Islam is Buddha, Confucianism and Hindu. Probably, Sidharta Gautama Buddha and the founder of Hindus religion is one of 313 messengers? For the answer of it, a research must held on this topic.
This question still can’t be answered. However, have an opinion that said the word of Brahma in Veda; the holy book of Hindu. It may be from the word of Abraham (the prophet of Ibrahim). The alphabet of A in the beginning and the middle of the word has erased only the B still in the word, and the A has appeared in the end of the word, so this is how the word of Brahma exists. Probably the goddess of Saraswati is referring to Sarah the first wife of Abraham. Manu or Manuh in the Veda is probably referring to Noah (Prophet Nuh). More interesting, the law of Manu is appropriate with the religion of Islam, Christian and the Judaism. The story of the big flood in the Noah time is same with what had faced by Manuh. Have been said that, the Manu law has wrote by Risyi (the prophet) of Manu. So it’s relevant to said that Manu and Noah are the same man. For further information, the detail research must hold on this subject.
The law of Manu, more focused on the human attitude and behavior, such as respected to the elder (2: 225-229), the halal and forbidden food (5: 11 – 17), the regret and the confession (11: 228-231), the scarify ceremony (3: 69 – 81) and many more.
However in the context of Buddha religion, what had teaching by the Buddha to his disciples on the aspects of human morale, it’s appropriate with what had teach in Islam. On the aspect of the divinity, Buddha does not approved or refused it. Is it the other factor was influenced it? The influencing factors in the Buddha believes’ such as no specific record about this thought and the extinct of Pali, its original language. For this, the further research must focus on it.
Straightly, what had focused on this, it is about the similarity on the same element in the world main religions; Islam, Christian, Buddha and Hindu. The most interesting in here is about the authority of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. that has been stated in al-Qur’an has appear in other religion holly scriptures such as in Hindu holly scriptures and the Bibles, state with the different name, but it has carried the same meaning; it also has described the Muhammad s.a.w. personality and character. This has proven about the truth and its purity with appearance of someone to bring the holy religion to save all human in this world.
This question still can’t be answered. However, have an opinion that said the word of Brahma in Veda; the holy book of Hindu. It may be from the word of Abraham (the prophet of Ibrahim). The alphabet of A in the beginning and the middle of the word has erased only the B still in the word, and the A has appeared in the end of the word, so this is how the word of Brahma exists. Probably the goddess of Saraswati is referring to Sarah the first wife of Abraham. Manu or Manuh in the Veda is probably referring to Noah (Prophet Nuh). More interesting, the law of Manu is appropriate with the religion of Islam, Christian and the Judaism. The story of the big flood in the Noah time is same with what had faced by Manuh. Have been said that, the Manu law has wrote by Risyi (the prophet) of Manu. So it’s relevant to said that Manu and Noah are the same man. For further information, the detail research must hold on this subject.
The law of Manu, more focused on the human attitude and behavior, such as respected to the elder (2: 225-229), the halal and forbidden food (5: 11 – 17), the regret and the confession (11: 228-231), the scarify ceremony (3: 69 – 81) and many more.
However in the context of Buddha religion, what had teaching by the Buddha to his disciples on the aspects of human morale, it’s appropriate with what had teach in Islam. On the aspect of the divinity, Buddha does not approved or refused it. Is it the other factor was influenced it? The influencing factors in the Buddha believes’ such as no specific record about this thought and the extinct of Pali, its original language. For this, the further research must focus on it.
Straightly, what had focused on this, it is about the similarity on the same element in the world main religions; Islam, Christian, Buddha and Hindu. The most interesting in here is about the authority of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. that has been stated in al-Qur’an has appear in other religion holly scriptures such as in Hindu holly scriptures and the Bibles, state with the different name, but it has carried the same meaning; it also has described the Muhammad s.a.w. personality and character. This has proven about the truth and its purity with appearance of someone to bring the holy religion to save all human in this world.
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