Tuesday, August 29, 2006


(From Islamic point of views)
(continuation from 08/28/2006)

2. The next words from Allah to Moses
Allah had said (Deuteronomy 18: 19): “if anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account.”
“My words that the prophet speaks in my name…” This had proven in al-Qura’an, where every chapter had begun with their word, “In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.” This word had stated from surah (chapter) 1-114, except 9th surah (At-Taubah). This surah have it own secret, which is its not begin with the name of Allah. As copy, the Christian (Bible) has begin with the word “in the name of the father, son and my holy ghost.” Is it this is an addition?

3. The latest research was support the man who are same with Moses characters is referred to Muhammad s.a.w.
Bible in New Testament; Matthew 7: 17-20 had explain that every the good tree will produce a good fruit, while the bad tree will produce the worst fruits. From the fruit we can know about the tree.

Ahmad Deedat, has give his opinion which is mean; if to know the good of Islam, we must know Islam itself. There has proven that is a perfect religion, it completed all the past religion. It’s not surprised if the modern research has confess about the personal of Muhammad s.a.w. Based on the research the gist of Islam that spread by Muhammad had absorb by his soul that influence his personality and characters.

The Best.

“Time” magazine, 15th July 1974, had doing a research to get a various people’s opinion about “Who was History’s Great Leader?” For this case, Jules Masserman the psychoanalyst had state three criteria. It is first; built the facilities and service to the people that lead by him. Second, create an social institution that can gife a safety warranty to their people and the third is create one set of faith. Based on these criteria, only the prophet of Muhammad and Moses can full fill all this criteria. Rev James L. Dow in Collins Dictionary of Bible too has said that Jesus is not same with Moses, but Muhummad (Prophet of Muhammad s.a.w.) are same with Moses.

As a conclusion, it is clear what had state in Deuteronomy 18: 18 which is its not referred to Jesus but it predict the Man as prophet of Muhammad s.a.w.


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