Wednesday, August 23, 2006


(From Islamic point of views)

What had been discussed are clearly proven that Jesus had sent by Allah s.w.t. to continue the legacy of Moses which poses the “Taurat”/Torah, worship only to Allah s.w.t. and its only for the Israel people. However, the question had appeared here is, why Jesus had hunted by the Israel people? This question must be referring to the Israel history at that time. In the present time of Jesus, Israel had ruled by the Kingdom of Rome. Israel people had oppressed by the Rome Emperor. The existence of Jesus had giving a new hope to Jews people for solve their problems at that time. This had viewed in the book of Torah that had stated about the existence of a leader among them to lead his tribe, Israel.
The prediction by the book of Torah is correct, Jesus has exist but his mandate is not to take over the Rome Imperial, he had sent down just for inviting the Jews so that believe to the only One God, same with the Moses thought. When the Jews know that Jesus very proficient with his miracle but he doesn’t want to lead the Jews for the other aspects except to invite all of them to believe for only One God, the Jews became angry. Furthermore the teaching of Jesus also could spoil the economy of their rabbis (the religious leaders of the Jews).This makes them making a slander to destroy Jesus and his 12 students that represent 12 tribe of Israel at that time.
The Rome has used the Israel people to hunt Jesus that end with the crucifixion event. After the death of Jesus, two things obviously had appeared, it is about the Trinity and the Christian for all people in the world, this is had lead by its great commander; Paul and his group.


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