Friday, August 25, 2006


(From Islamic point of views)

1. Allah have said to Moses; I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. (Deuteronomy 18: 18)

Based on this context, the Muslim’s “prophet” that said by Allah to Moses is referring to prophet of Muhammad s.a.w, but for the Christian they acknowledge that “prophet” is referring to Jesus. To make it clear, we can focus on this fact:

a) From among their brethren,

The Arabs and Jews have a same descendent. Abraham has two sons, Ismail with Siti Hajar the second wife and Isaac with Siti Sarah(Sarai), his first wife. The descendent of Ismail is from the Arab,s race. The Jewish for this time begin from descendent of Isaac. Ismail and Isaac is siblings but they have a different mother.

b) Muhammad s.a.w. are same with Moses, (like unto thee), this is can see on these aspect’s:

i. Muhammad have a parent same as Moses. Aminah binti Wahab bin Abdul Manaf is Muhammad mother, and Abdullah bin Abdul Mutalib his father. Moses, his father is Imran.

ii. Moses has get married and his have a child, and it happen to Muhammad, which is he had get married and having a child. While Jesus did not married anybody (according to Bibles).

iii. Moses are accepted by his disciples, Muhammad too had recognition from his disciples. While Jesus is rejected by his disciples, and the worst is they are trying to crucify him.

iv. Beside as a main duty as a prophet Moses and Muhammad had appointed as the leader to rule (king) by their disciples. This is mean both of them have a power to punish the criminal until to death.

v. Moses and Muhammad had carried with them a new order from Allah. While Jesus had appointed by Allah s.w.t. to fix again the faith to believe to only One God. (Matthew 5: 17-18)


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