Wednesday, January 24, 2007


The utmost important of the challenges of Islam to-day is the problems that facing non-Muslim in understanding some of critical issues regarding their unsatisfaction towards Islam. The critical issues are as follows:

1) Hijab for Women (A)

The question that always been asked is, why Islam discriminate women with hiding them at the back of curtain (Hijab)? Before we answered this question, shall we observe the women status before the existence of Islam, it can see as follow:

a) The Babylon civilization

They were denied the justice for women, for example if the men killed the other men or women, his wife will punished for his crime.

b) The Greek civilization

They accepted women status same as the animal. The prostitution is common in Greeks civilization.

c) The Roman Civilization

The male have a right to kill his wife. The prostitution too is common in Rome civilization same as the Babylonian.

d) The Egyptian Civilization

The ancient Egyptian society accepted the woman is evil and they are the sign of evil.

e) The Arab’s before the existence of Islam

Before the existence of Islam the Arab’s people had discriminate their women. They often buried their daughter who had just been birth.



The utmost important of the challenges of Islam to-day is the problems that facing non-Muslim in understanding some of critical issues regarding their unsatisfaction towards Islam. The critical issues are as follows:

1) Hijab for Women (A)

The question that always been asked is, why Islam discriminate women with hiding them at the back of curtain (Hijab)? Before we answered this question, shall we observe the women status before the existence of Islam, it can see as follow:

a) The Babylon civilization

They were denied the justice for women, for example if the men killed the other men or women, his wife will punished for his crime.

b) The Greek civilization

They accepted women status same as the animal. The prostitution is common in Greeks civilization.

c) The Roman Civilization

The male have a right to kill his wife. The prostitution too is common in Rome civilization same as the Babylonian.

d) The Egyptian Civilization

The ancient Egyptian society accepted the woman is evil and they are the sign of evil.

e) The Arab’s before the existence of Islam

Before the existence of Islam the Arab’s people had discriminate their women. They often buried their daughter who had just been birth.


Friday, January 19, 2007

A Comparison: Islam = Hindu? (9)

The Religion of Hindu has said that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. will born to be a leader (Stated in Mahabrata) (Continuation from 01/16/2007……)

New Popular Encyclopedia Vol.1, pg. 272 and from Islam and the World Prophet (Part 2, pg. 272) was describe the physical of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. is same with the shape of the Aryan People. He had added too that all the caliph; Abu Bakar, Omar, Othman, an Ali is from the Aryan descendants. Because of that he said that Muhammad s.a.w. is from the Aryan descendants. Of course his descendents is the great and respect full leader that guarded the Ka’bah for many more generations.

h) Kalki in Hindu’s tample

In the temple, Kalki has visualized as the warrior who ride the white horse. This world has a very little white horse actually and of course it doesn’t exist in India. This mean, Kalki is not the Indian people. While in Arab, there have several the white horses. Have been said that before the death of Muhammad he posses a white horse, a little weapon and piece of land. This land had given to the charity.

i) Kalki destroyed the statues

In version 2 and 4, Kalki Purana (part 3, chapter 16) have been state that:
 When Kalki become a leader, everyone will love to him. Vedas, religion and the righteous will live for along time.
 The worship to statues has been stopped and the statue has been destroyed.
 The religion practices such as Tilak signs (the sign that placed in the head) don’t do it anymore.

Clearly, that these three elements have created by the Prophet of Muhammad s.a.w. and it’s so appropriate with Islam. From the analysis said in above its has proven that outside from the relevant doubt that Narashangsa who had been said in three book of veda and Kalki in Mahabrata from a thousand years is refer to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. (ibid. pg. 140)


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Comparison: Islam = Hindu? (8)

The Religion of Hindu has said that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. will born to be a leader (Stated in Mahabrata)

(Continuation from 01/11/2006)

d) Kalki defeated his enemy then he do the pilgrimage

After Prophet Muhammad defeated his enemy in Mecca, he was do the pilgrimage with his disciples and three month later he had died at Medina.

e) Kalki went to the beautiful garden with followed by his disciples

This is has proven that the Prophet of Muhammad s.a.w. had went to the Medina city the beautiful and arable place in Arab. At this time Medina always visited by the Muslims before or after pilgrimage at Meca.

f) Kalki bring the truth and the fake will gone

As reported by Prof. Hitti the Christian Historian he has proven on part 1, ch. 8, pg. 118: that the Prophet of Muhammad s.a.w. has conquered the Mecca on the end of January 630. After the Muslim conquered the Mecca, the Muhammad s.a.w. has destroyed the 360 statues in Mecca (Ibid 136). Beside that he has approved the rule of alms where the richer must pay 2.5% from their saving for a year. These alms are for charity for the Muslims.

Friday, January 12, 2007

A Comparison: Islam = Hindu? (7)

The Religion of Hindu has said that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. will born to be a leader.
(Continuation from Jan., 07, 2007)

iv. The hundred pieces of Gold

In Antharvaveda too, it have been said that the Narashangsa that he will gifted a hundred pieces of gold. The pieces of gold view the male who posses a great character. The person who involved in the religion defense is same with the pieces of gold. This is happen in Islam when a hundred of brothers who syahid (died while defending the religion) to defense Islam. This syahid has buried in special places that know as Ashbul Suffa.


Beside that, in the Hindu Holy Scriptures of Mahabrata too has stated about the prophet of Muhammad s.a.w. with the name of Kalki. The evident about this can see as follow:

a) In Mahabrata Kalki is the king and leader of religion.

In deliberating the characteristic of Prophet Muhammad as the king and the leader of religion, Prof. K.S. Ramakrishna Rao, Government College for Women, Mysore, Karnataka, has wrote in his book The Prophet of Islam (pg. 17) states that Muhammad as the prophet, warrior, businessman, patriotic, preachers, reformer, the orphan and the women defender, judge and in humanity aspect he is the special hero.

b) Beside the leader of war, Kalki too is the leader of religion

Of course the prophet Muhammad is the great Islam leader and he was leading the Muslim in Battle of Badr (623 AD), Uhud (625 AD) and Khandaq (627 AD).

c) Kalki is the head of religion and the leader of the country

Hindu, Christian and Judaism (religion for the Jews) that existed long before Islam, but they no have a specific country. The prophet of Muhammad s.a.w. has his Islamic country and he is the leader for that government.

Monday, January 08, 2007

A Comparison: Islam = Hindu? (6)

The Religion of Hindu has said that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. will born to be a leader.
(Continuation from Dis.21/2006)

a) The next similarity

Beside what had been discussed before this, have more aspect on Narashangsa especially on the gift to him as follow:

i. 10000 cows
In Arthavaveda had been said that the God was give him 10’000 cows. In Hindu society, cow is the holy animal. This has been said as metaphor to represent the sign of the god characteristic. Actually, this is appropriated with the event when Prophet Muhammad and his 10,000 disciples from Medina city entering the Mecca city (630 AD). This is for doing the pilgrimage and they come for peace not for the war.

ii. 300 Horses
In context of 300 horses it has showed the ingenious in running and it very closed referred as the war. The number of 300 actually is more than 300 but less than 400. In Vedas had been said that Narashangsa has received 300 horses, and this is relate to the battle of Badr where the prophet of Muhammad s.a.w. and his 313 soldiers was won the battle with against a thousand enemies.

iii. The Tenth Garland
In Atharvaveda has said about the tenth garland that will give to Narashangsa. This flower is as a sign to someone loyalty and love. This is had occurred to Prophet Muhammad when he have the 10th true brothers who very loyal and love to him and they willing to die for him. The true brothers of Muhammad s.a.w. can see as follows:
1. Saidinia Abu Bakar As-Siddiq; the first caliph
2. Saidina Umar ibni Al-Khattab; the second caliph
3. Unthman ibni Affan; the third caliph
4. Ali Abu Talib, the fourth caliph
5. Talha bin Abdullah, the warrior of Islam
6. Zubir bin ‘Awwam
7. Abu Ishak bin Abu ‘Akkas
8. Said bin Zayd
9. Abdul Rahman bin Auf
10. Abu ‘Ubaidah bin Jarrah